Every Time I Laugh I Lose Money #3
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
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Twitch - / elasticdroid
Twitch - / elasticdroid
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Previous Video - • Buying Fireworks Was A...
If i forgot anyone shoot me a DM :]
Outro song : • bbno$ - sriracha prod....
Made by BBNO$
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if you laugh you have to sub those are the rules
Jokes on you, I'm already subbed to this channel
Jokes on you, Im already subbed to this channel
Jokes on you, I'm already subbed to this channel
Jokes on you, I'm already subbed to this channel.
Jokes on you, I’m already subbed to this channel
Droid will literally point out what the challenge is and still forgets what he was doing
“I’m a grown ass man! I’m stressed!” I felt that, but as a grown ass woman 🤣
dude these videos make my day 10x better. needed this today man :)
I am stuck in a hotel room quarantining, so I am missing two weeks of class. Thank god Droid and the friendings and the Smii7y house is here to keep me distracted from that reality. God bless.
gonna be honest ive always known droid is funny as shit but this the first video im watching and im in tears
@@ElasticDroid :)
Man's really said,"WHAT! IM A GROWN MAN, IM STRESSED" 🤣🤣🤣 ily
This is just recorded history of an idiot losing money while laughing.
Great video lmao
I literally dropped everything and clicked the notification so fast.
droid telling the car story took 5 years off my life from second hand embarrassment
Love coming home to watch a new video from you Droid
Realer words have never been spoken 4:53
whoever edited this video needs a pay raise
Bro fr it's so clean and professional looking 👀
I’m struggling with school hard rn so thank you for making my day droid :)
Always an amazing day when droider uploads
6:34 how they gonna predict the dream face reveal like that
Love watching droid favorite streamer and content creator
2:57 The viz media dub of sailor moon is the best dub because of this
4:52 i feel that
always a good day w a droid vid
A droid video to make my Friday better let's go!
bro i never laugh at memes but this shit hilarious with ur reactions
Haven’t even watched this video yet and already it’s going to be a banger!
Babe wake up, droid just uploaded
Peter Griffin impressions are the absolute best lol I see so much impressionists do it but I still laugh every timr
This man makes me laugh so hard everyday
Its going to be a good day since droid uploaded
The last “lalala” was unexpected but expected😂
8:54 i was waiting for the “what color is your Bugatti 💅✨
6:22 blarg would not be happy
sitting down with a snack to watch clips of my favorite streamer and youtuber
nah these videos never fail to make me laugh your my inspiration brother! 🤲
big daddy droid uploads? Crazy
This is one of the best videos i have watched in a long time you are the only youtuber i like to watch play story games like fire watch was such a good game too keep it up ❤
No wayyyy, right in time for lunch too :)
Gotta love droid
I love the first thing I do when I come back home from school is check if my favorite RUclipsr Droid and here I am so happy because you posted
4:50 real men shit right there should’ve left it playing
10:44 My arteries are constricting after that clip.
3:00 bro fumbled so hard
I can only imagine what face Pezzy had when he got in the car with Droid and heard that shit 🤣
me binging droid vids while I wait for elden ring to down load
4:17 was the moment i found out i could do quagmires voice. All you gotta do is be uncfortably disgusted and say uhhahhhh with your throat
a droid vid
aaaahhhh slamming the mic in the intro 😭😂
1 laugh = 1 ay whey
Long Live Meme Sheep. 🕊️
Always luv watching droids vids
the park where the dog was shaking the chair thing Got me laughing 😂
Solid content made my day
im as baked as a fucking cake my dude these feel like there going so fast im half way through this video laughing at the first one
Amazing Editing^^
We love that money
4:47 that's fucked 🤣
6:32 Robin looks like syndrome from the incredibles
The guy with the fake humburger was a surprize wow 😳
Fast and Furious 55% of the time be like 1:14
Droid, I’m not gonna lie literally I came from a buffer video for some reason and this was suggested but have a nice day 😀
bro that bluetooth thing killed me
i relate ;-;
8:53 Honestly tho, why is Andrew Tate walking like every gay sim ever made😂😂😂
2:36 droid:what Cuphead final battle shit is that. Me:MOTHERFUCKER THAT'S THE GODAMN INTRO SONG AT THE START
the cut got me 10:47
Your video never cease to make me smile
10:25 thorkell be like
5:25 LMAO
6:20 that’s a blarg tattoo xD
_☕_ but slightly slanted
Lookin hotter than usual
3:48 beckbro
7:20 i have three corgis and they are amazing lol
you’re living my dream
4:48 brother
Dude for real said why 4:56
Nope its further back
Love your videos keep up the great work❤❤❤❤❤😊
You better appreciate me got me watching ads so you can make you some money 😂👏
Why the editor skipping the good memes? 😭
Ayo at 10:48 she made Paula Deen a Mexican.
11:37 no one talking abt the rocky theme
Some things are better ketp to yourself
10:45 made me wanna throw up and cry myself to sleep
ohhhhh yeahhhhhh
Ay did yall see the backrooms my guy 7:33
Helloing!!! Thanks for the new upload!!!
ain’t no way he called a custard cream a cracker 😧
Who in the world shared footage of my acrophobia kicking in when I'm 6ft up a ladder at 5:17? Not cool, dude. I know my name isn't Shaky Leg McJenkins, but you'd think it is if you get me on a ladder.
I laughed for the length of this video. Does that mean I have to sub 13 times? Don't tempt me
0:38 who is the girl dancing
So funny I pushed my grandad down the stairs
Robin look like the guy from incredibles
Vids nut worthy ngl :P
Aint heard it the first time but
Really lala land a good movie
Hi Twitch
Hi droid so my baby bro is watching your video he is 1 and I was haft a sleep I was try to make go bad but you video come up and he Press the video and watching it
droid what do you think of jojo's
this is random but does anyone know if droid is single?
Can anyone tell me why I got a 20 minute Harry Potter ad