Was recently at MB and wanted to paint an accurate portrait of my visit.
As a preface, I'm not age- or weight-shaming anyone, just describing what I observed.
Based upon my previous visits, I'd say it was average busy or below average busy.
Here's the funny thing -- I recognized some of the guys. I suspect there were a few like me were taking advantage of the three-day weekend, but then I overheard the attendants talking to each other that "all the regulars" were there. Apparently, they are either locals who buy day passes or comped patrons that go often and stay all day.
In general, there were not fit guys. I would say the majority of patrons were overweight white men over 60. At one point, 8 of the 10 patrons fit that description, and one guy even joked, "everyone here is white, fat and bald except you." Truth be told, at one point four of them were in one pool together their heads all looked the same from behind.
There were some extremely overweight patrons that I genuinely had concern for. Some of them had trouble walking which is very dangerous in a slippery area. Some had audible breathing issues in the steam room. One -- who I've seen before -- would camp out in there for 15-20 minutes at a time and you could hear him struggling to breathe. He'd then pass out in his lounger and snore loudly -- probably sleep apnea.
I noticed an interesting phenomenon among several gay couples. One partner would be "free to play" or have a "hall pass" while the other usually just sat around and did nothing. The partner with the "hall pass" tended to be hyper-aggressive; the other almost nonchalant. I have a close friend who is a non-sexual relationship with his longtime partner and he has a "hall pass" but this behavior in the spa setting seemed almost amplified. A bit more on that later.
As for the rest, it was your usual mix: the curious straight guy, the fuck-it-I'm-in-Vegas-anything-goes-not-so-curious straight guy, the Asians who hate other Asians, the voyeur, the guy who acts like he's better than everyone else, the hunter who will chase after his "prey," the steam room squatter, etc.
I need to call out the last two. The steam room squatter is someone who will not leave, even if he is under physical duress. Eventually, he will need to hydrate or catch his breath and leave for a short while and then return. He often can't read the room, touching himself in front of straight patrons, flicking his tongue at anyone, etc. Guys will stop entering the room while he's in there.
The really clueless squatters will leave and return and wonder why there's still no one in there. I observed one larger biracial Asian guy do this. And a larger very hairy (it looked like he had two pelts slung over his shoulders) guy whom another patron called a "Russian mobster" also do this, non-stop. Their behavior actually drove away a number of patrons away: gay and straight, good-looking and regular.
The hunter works in reverse, only going in when he wants to strike. There was one guy -- one of the aforementioned guys with a "hall pass" -- that would sit in the loungers and pick his target as they entered. The moment his "prey" walking into the steam room, he would get up from his lounger and make his move. This particular hunter wasn't bad looking, early '50s, fit. He was probably successful half of the time. But he would get so butthurt when he wasn't. It was weird. He operated like clockwork. A guy (typically white) would walk past his lounger and enter the steam room and then five seconds later he was up and in there as well. He must've done this at least a half-dozen times. His partner seemed fine with it. But I think he was extremely butthurt when he saw me and one massive hung guy leave together.
Anyway, that was the scene. There were some cool guys of all types, but many seemed over the squatters and hunters. It all felt tedious. One guy told me bought a five-day pass but wouldn't return. A couple guys (myself included) took things upstairs because the spa was no longer fun.
Maybe QUA draws a different crowd.