Unusual vagina licker

During sex with a girl you may want to go down there for some oral loving and decide the smell is not to your liking so your choice is to conplain or offer a criticism or ignore it and skip to something else. You Might decide to finger her only, as the taste would be nasty. There are many actions you can take even as you read threads here. Ignore it, Skip to something else or offer your opinion.

You Might even complain and offer major criticisms, but to get personal and act like the author needs to be thrown off the site is crazy. I have written threads recently that have been innocent not attacking anyone at all and get reactions like I should be thrown off the site. All that does is cause me to make another account and come back. Like eating pussy if you do not like it just stop and ignore it.

You never know if it is to your liking sometimes -until you try it. You would not like all pussy to dissappear -so some bad pussy may have to be waded through to get the furry stuff.

I have a truce from an individual across the “pond”.

NOONE knows each other so taking it personal is looney


A drunk person once walked up to me late one night in the market and said he had had sex with my wife.

Not knowing him and my not being married caused me to say to him well you had better have your self checked for std s

as she infected me last week. People would generaly get mad at the disrespecting issue of it bui why bother with the hatred
All it does is raise your blood pressure. People have better thing to do than troll around a site offering negative comments.
Negative comments of a constructive nature are ok even just your opinion but threats to rat a person out to the moderators are really messed up.
IF YOUR NOT A MODERATOR don't try to function as one other wise your a --RAT FINK TROOL STIRRING UP TROUBLE.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Who the fuck is this guy? :1orglaugh And what the fuck is the first post about? It's like the stream of consciousness ramblings of an imbecile. I can't follow it.

And did he just admit that he was banned but created another account? Can we ban him for that?

Guess I'm a rat fink trool now - which I guess is a combination of troll and tool? :dunno:


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Dude just sent me a PM:

Obviously not, as a mod looked at the post. OK to make an account only no multiple accounts.
Your acting as a moderator.
Let them do there jobs as they review each post.
IF YOU WANT TO BE A MODERATOR SIGN UP other wise commenting is ok a personal comment is ok even if negative.
The banning is moderators job only-

So here's a negative personal comment - you're a fucking douche bag.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
You're not a very entertaining troll. :(

Could you either try harder or go the fuck away.
That seems to be beyond your standard 3 word post. Care to expound upon your suggestion or life experiences in the interest of helping you grow as a contributor?
Explain me please why do you have the need to judge him and even give try to him lessons???? Not everyone on the board is a native English speaker. Also think about that when people don't use correct grammar, misspell, or chose to write in short sentences, they are either writing quick or don't have much to say or, perhaps they have something to say in the thread but aren't inclined to write a long paragraph and you can't force them to do that. They don't have to. If they want to recognize a thread by smiley, short sentences, memes, song, interpretive dance, or miming, by all means. If that's ok with them why not? It's not against the rules.
Explain me please why do you have the need to judge him and even give try to him lessons???? Not everyone on the board is a native English speaker. Also think about that when people don't use correct grammar, misspell, or chose to write in short sentences, they are either writing quick or don't have much to say or, perhaps they have something to say in the thread but aren't inclined to write a long paragraph and you can't force them to do that. They don't have to. If they want to recognize a thread by smiley, short sentences, memes, song, interpretive dance, or miming, by all means. If that's ok with them why not? It's not against the rules.

Excuse me? It was only a joke. There was no poking fun of his language . Just a wisecrack that maybe I shouldn't have made. You can cool your jets now.


Closed Account
There is a lot of banned people in this thread.

Maybe we should all go find a bunny to hug, life would be so much easier if you just hugged a bunny every now and again.


Yep, half the people on this thread have been banned so I guess we're back to the good ol' days that everyone has been pining for.
Question now is who was OccamsTweezer, he was clearly a returning member.

To be fair it was obvious, I wondered why he lasted this long.